Latest in: Interface Lab

Pulse Clock Prototype, Bill of Materials

Blog your idea for next week and come up with a prototype for playtesting. Prototype can be anything that communicates the overall concept of the project as well as key interactions. Be as realistic …
By nuff
August 3, 2023

Pulse Clock, Part One.

Previously... (Spent two days trying to get the LED ring to work without any discernible progress) Moving on to pulse sensor - this ended up being fairly straightforward. Using Pimoroni Max30101 checked out from …
By nuff
July 31, 2023

I/O Device – Potentiometer-Dial-Light-Ringy-Thingy

For this session, our mission is to come up with a simple application using digital and/or analog input and output to a microcontroller and make a device that allows a person to control light, …
By nuff
July 27, 2023

Analog(ue) and Digital Inputs and Outputs

Dimming a Light with a Potentiometer For our lab, Digital and Analog In with an Arduino, we connected our Arduino through a potentiometer to an LED. Side note: I still don't know what a …
By nuff
July 24, 2023

Week One, Observation Blog

Observation Blog: Due Monday July 17 (As a Blog Post) Take a walk around your neighborhood, or a different one, or imagine a walk you’ve done routinely. Take a count of every interaction with …
By nuff
July 13, 2023